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发表于 2021-7-28 15:51:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



【中黄拍卖2018 迎春拍 精品赏析】——乾隆金宝
Jin Bao, an auction of Chinese and yellow auctions in the Spring Festival - Jin Bao, Qianlong
The value analysis of Qianlong coins: research shows that Qianlong coins are issued for a long time and the number of castings is large. Most coins are relatively cheap, and the market is not so optimistic. However, the mother of Diaomu and Qianlong coins money circulation and no amount of common coins so much and rarely spread so far, has been the attention of collectors.
About one inch square, the length is more than one inch, the height is less than one inch, engraved "Qianlong golden treasure" four words, engraved with the pattern, like the appearance of the Bodhisattva. Brick shape and regular, pure color, its special features, it is the Imperial Palace, do not do market circulation. These are the legacy of the Qing Dynasty brick Co., a high collection value
For the identification of the two dragons, to see whether it has the characteristics of Qianlong era in Longwen, with the characteristics of Longwen: leading the mane floating backward, the bending degree of the little dragon, dragon and dragon is exquisite, the overall style: fine, fine, complex. For this gold bar, we should make a comprehensive assessment of the gold itself and the style of the graphic, and draw several different and possible results based on the deduction.
How much is the Qianlong gold treasure?
The reign of Qing Dynasty were cast coins, paper money in Manchu and Chinese two languages. How much is the Qianlong gold treasure? According to the small editor, the true product Qianlong golden treasure is valued at more than 1 million yuan, and has a very high collection value and appreciation space.
In recent years, more and more antique art market Xingrong, prices have been rising steadily, the gold is before the palace dedicated to gold, the market value of nature is rising, the market in gold has many kinds, there are gold, BRIC etc.. And even some gold treasure. And now the Qianlong gold on the market is very rare, and it is rare.
On the market in gold is very scarce, resulting in priceless appeared on the market now, the Qianlong gold almost as fast as by collectors, it is said that now the gold bullion was found in only twelve, one of which is a collection of the Imperial Palace Museum in Beijing, is rare but the matter suddenly we should also have a general understanding.
The value of Qianlong gold is so high, because it is its sparsity, at that time only the palace can be used, the market is very few. There is also a part of the collector's hands, which has a very small visibility and is also hot on the market.
此卖家为一位西藏次仁先生,,该藏品有幸收藏于本公司(深圳中皇拍卖有限公司),此藏品确为稀有,诸位广大藏友有意于可联系 蔡经理 13510501126 欢迎志同道合的藏友一起交流探讨
The seller is a Tibet, a collection of Mr. Tsering, the collection of the company (Shenzhen imperial Auction Co. Ltd.), this collection is rare, the vast number of friends you are interested in contact manager Cai 13510501126 welcome like-minded friends together to discuss


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-28 16:01:43 | 显示全部楼层

此件乾隆金宝重67.2g 高39CM 宽18CM ,大约一寸见方,长约大于一寸,高约小于一寸,刻有“乾隆金宝”四个字,上面雕刻有花纹,像菩萨的样子。砖形制规整,色泽纯正,它的特殊之处在于,它是皇宫专用,不做市场流通。清代遗留下来的此类金砖存世量有限,收藏价值极高。对于两条龙的鉴定,要看它是否有乾隆时代龙文的特征,其龙文的具特特征:龙头上的鬃毛向后飘,龙须的弯曲程度不大,龙鳞精美,以及龙的整体风格:精,细,繁。对于这个金条,应该作黄金本身鉴定以及图文风格的综合考量,根据推演得出几种不同而又可能发生的结果。清代各年号均铸有钱币,钱文一般以满文和汉文两种文字。据小编了解,真品乾隆金宝估价过百万,具有非常高的收藏价值与升值空间。以上便是乾隆金宝值多少钱的介绍了,另外,乾隆钱币价值的鉴定又可以从多方面来鉴定,但总的来说都要看所收藏的乾隆钱币数量的多少以及其所流通时期的年代是否有特殊事件或人物来判断。


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